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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Oriental vegetable seeds

We carry more than 350 varieties of Oriental vegetable seeds that are grouped as below for your easy access and review. Most of these seeds are imported from Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea, India and Thailand.Seeds are packaged in paper packets (Small Packet and 1 Oz. Size) or plastic bags (>1/4 Lb. Size). Planting directions are provided and imprinted on the seed packets for your reference

Edible Amaranth

Edible Amaranth grows very well in warm climates. This fast-growing vegetable can be harvested 30 days after sowing, by the cut-and-grow-again method. Seeds are very small and will germinate best at temperature above 65 F under dark conditions. Thin plants during the growth if necessary and thinnings can be eaten. Edible young leaves and stems are cooked like spinach. The amaranth family has many groups of plants found in various regions in the world. The following varieties are the most popular leafy amaranths grown in Asia. Soft texture and tender leaves are excellent for stir-fry and soup.

