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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

During the years 1994–1998, the area under mini cucumber increased whereas the area of long cucumber decreased. This is probably because the mini cucumber fetches a more attractive price. The total extent for all types of cucumber was 170 184 rai with a production of 303 853 tons in 1998. Cucumber occupies the fourth place in importance in Thailand, following chilli, baby corn and garlic. It is cultivated in every part of the country, with a major concentration in the Northeast - 17 838 rai with a production of 34 875 tons for mini cucumber and 21 315 rai with a production of 58 722 tons for long cucumber. The Western region is the second largest producer with an area of 37 294 rai and a production of 52 470 tons of the mini type; and 8 135 rai with a production of 16 153 tons of the long type.

Figure 1. Ditch-and-dyke : planting bed system, cucumber

The use of hybrid cucumber has been increasing during recent years. The contribution of F1 hybrids to increased productivity and uniform quality produce has been remarkable. The recommended cultivars/hybrids are :
it is a mini cucumber cultivar that is very vigorous, with good branching and very high yield. Fruits are green at the shoulder and slender, with an average size of 4 × 12 cm. It is a very early cultivar that gives the first harvest in 32–33 days after planting.
LANNA (Eastwest):
a mini cucumber cultivar that is vigorous with a high yield; fruits are whitish green, stout and have characteristic white spines.
MODEL 148 (Chia Tai):
a mini cucumber type, with vigorous growth and high yield. The fruit is green, with an average size of 4 × 11 cm and weight of 100 gr. It has a long shelf-life; the first harvest is 30 days after sowing.
MUMMY (Chia Tai):
it is a medium-long cucumber with uniform green fruits and high yield. It has a higher percentage of female flowers which set fruit on the lateral and main stems. Fruit size is 4 × 16 cm. with an average weight of 160 gr. the first harvest is 35 days after sowing.
NINJA (Chia Tai):
this cultivar has a long type cucumber. Its popularity is due to the high yield and straight uniform fruit. The fruit set is on the lateral and main stems. The fruit is 5.5 × 22.5 cm. and 310 g in weight. Harvesting commences at 35 days after sowing.
Quality standards of cucumber will be elevated through the use of F1 hybrids as well as through the application of improved cultural practices. Better methods of irrigation and fertilizer application are currently being applied. Export of cucumbers should focus on processed products, mainly pickled cucumber in brine or vinegar. Important germplasm collections are available at Kasetsart University, Department of Agriculture and the National Gene Bank. Breeding work should focus on disease tolerance and long shelf-life of cucumbers.

